
Thursday, February 9, 2017

15 Hypoallergenic Dogs and Cats 1 of 2

If you love animals but hate allergies, you may be tempted to spring for a pricey hypoallergenic pet.

Not so fast. Studies suggest hypoallergenic cats and dogs can cause just as many symptoms as the regular kind, says James Seltzer, MD, a spokesperson for the American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. That’s because skin and saliva proteins, not just hair, trigger allergy symptoms.

The only pets proven to be hypoallergenic have scaly skin—like iguanas and snakes, he says. That said, if you’re dead set on a furry pet, here are a few that are touted—but not proven—to be better for people with allergies.

Bedlington Terrier

Think your best bet is a short-haired dog? Surprise! You’ll find short- and long-haired breeds populate the American Kennel Club’s (AKC) list of dogs that do well with people with allergies.
That’s because it’s not the dog’s hair per se that causes allergies, it’s the saliva, skin, or other proteins. Allergens (particularly saliva proteins) can latch on to the hair, so less shedding in general—rather than the length of the hair—may be helpful.

Bedlington terriers have curly, wooly coats with an extra mop on the top of the head, and weigh 17 to 23 pounds.

Bichon Frise

Known as “powder puff” dogs, bichon frises have a soft silky undercoat and a more coarse and curly outer coat.

In general, dog allergens are microscopic particles that can hitch a ride on other air pollutants, including cigarette smoke and particulate matter generated by traffic.

Cutting down on indoor air pollution can help stop the circulation of symptom-triggering allergens in your home, experts say. These dogs weigh about 10 to 18 pounds.

Chinese Crested

This pup sheds little to no hair, which again can lower—but not eliminate—allergens in the home.

One member of the breed, Sam, had the dubious distinction of being voted the unofficial world’s ugliest dog for three years in a row.

Chinese crested dogs comes in two versions—hairless, which have hair on the head, feet, and tail; and powderpuff, which have a soft coat over the entire body.

These dogs weigh 10–13 pounds.

Devon rex cat

The Devon rex has big ears, an elfin face, and a coat that can be either thin and suede-like or a mop of loose curls, according to the Cat Fanciers' Association (CFA).

These cats have a "dubious" reputation for being hypoallergenic, and symptoms will vary "according to an individual's personal allergies," says the CFA.

In general, kittens shed more allergens than cats. Although the levels seem to drop at 6 to 12 months of age, "they still cause allergies," says Dr. Seltzer.

Irish Water Spaniel

"If you do the grooming outside the house you're not going to stir up as much allergen."
Regular grooming and bathing of dogs can reduce, but not eliminate, allergens, says James Sublett, MD, section chief of pediatric allergy at the University of Louisville School of Medicine.

The AKC says they "require brushing every few weeks and trimming every two months to neaten and shape the coat."

These dogs have a curly coat and can weigh 45 to 65 pounds.

Kerry Blue Terrier

These dogs have a soft, dense coat and weigh 33 to 40 pounds.

Originally bred as hunters, they may not do well in households with cats or other small pets, according to the AKC.

Dr. Sublett notes that if "you're allergic to one dog, you're allergic to all dogs."

There's "not really any guarantee that an animal will be hypoallergenic," he says.

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